Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Supreme Court

Before watching the video about the Supreme Court, I had very limited knowledge about its workings and significance. I often viewed the Court as a distant entity, a group of individuals making decisions that rarely affected ordinary citizens. 

In some respects, my initial impressions weren't entirely off the mark. The Supreme Court only selects around one hundred cases annually for review, despite being presented with almost 7,000 cases each year. I also had the misconception that the Court predominantly dealt with high-profile criminal cases, such as the trials of notorious murderers, rather than addressing pivotal issues that shape our constitutional rights. This may seem naive, but every discussion about the Supreme Court left me with the impression that its justices were able to be almost completely unbiased opinions. However, I have come to realize that this is a significant oversimplification; the Supreme Court is composed of nine people, each bringing their personal beliefs and interpretations of the Constitution into the decision-making process.

These justices, like any of us, possess their own underlying morals, values, and ideals. Considering that they deal with nearly 100 cases each week, it's understandable that the workload could become overwhelming, especially knowing that many of these cases arise from individuals dissatisfied with lower appellate court rulings. The responsibility of meticulously reviewing each case and crafting detailed opinion writings must be incredibly taxing. This makes it critical for the Court to filter and prioritize cases at the outset, ensuring that only the most pertinent issues are brought forward for consideration.

Additionally, I had been unfamiliar with the concept of opinion writing before delving deeper into the Court's processes. I now recognize its significance; opinion writing is essential, as it allows for transparency and accountability in the judicial process. By documenting their reasoning and how they reached a consensus, the justices provide a valuable insight into their decision-making framework—something vitally important for the public to understand, especially given the power they have in shaping laws that affect our everyday lives.

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